a life well-lived + enjoyed

The Connection Between Nature and Happiness

Learn what the research says about connection to nature and happiness. This article breaks down a meta-analysis. People who are more connected to nature tend to be happier than people aren’t as connected to nature.

The Aligned Action Framework

Aligned action means your decisions, choices, and behaviors are in congruence with your inner wisdom, level of vitality, and responsibilities and goals as a leader and as a human. There are four necessary elements for aligned action. The Aligned Action Framework from Burnout Proof Leaders synthesizes them into a practical touchstone.

Two Key Questions for Work-Life Satisfaction

It’s important for high-ambition, mission-driven millennial and gen z leaders to pause for some perspective when they’ve been pushing for a while. Use these questions whenever you are feeling a bit drained on a regular basis. Your answers will help you chart a path back to full energy and enjoyment of your work and life.

A Tool for Assessing Well-Being

A tool to use to check in on satisfaction with life.