a single green succulent with water droplets on it

Change the world with energy to spare.

Advance your mission-driven leadership career without sacrificing your well-being.

Be a burnout proof leader.

We serve millennial and gen z leaders who have the dual priorities of exceptional modern leadership and a life well-lived.

Learn the mindsets, behaviors, and tools that early and mid-career leaders need for a long career of sustainable impact.

develop and refine executive and leadership skills; cultivate work-life well-being; maintain balanced connection to purpose.

Picture yourself experiencing relaxed control as you fulfill your vision,

positively impacting the world without sacrificing your own well-being.

 'hi, I'm Katie' written in script

I founded Burnout Proof Leaders with the mission of empowering conscious leaders to change the world with energy to spare.

You deserve to have both a high-octane career of impact and a life you enjoy.

Katherine M. Sauer, wearing a black suit, seated cross-legged with her shoes kicked off

a mockup of the Purpose.Presence.Power. freebie


Get your free copy of Purpose. Presence. Power.

When you are authentically aligned in your purpose and presence, your power to create change is unmistakable.

Change the world with energy to spare.

Be a Burnout Proof Leader.

a pinkish white succulent